Wednesday 23 October 2013

Argument 1

Religion is a common source of impedance of scientific progress this is most widely known in the area of “Stem Cell Research”. Essentially (as defined by Wikipedia) Stem Cells are a type of biological cell that can differentiate into specialized cells and divide to produce more cells.  Essentially they can replicate different cell types this can be used to repair or replace damaged, defective or missing cells (with enough research regrow entire organs). Parry (Parry, 2013) reports that scientists at Maastricht University in the Netherlands have developed lab-grown meat from stem cells; this is one example of the usefulness of stem cell research. The method of obtaining these cells is where the conflict has arisen; Stem cells are normally obtained through young human foetuses. Some people believe that these are to be considered living creatures; to quote The Pope John Paull the second: “embryonic stem-cell research is related to abortion, euthanasia and other attacks on innocent life”. However a foetus normally is not considered living until it is removed from the womb. Consequently it is because of this, Singer (Singer, 2004) claims that “if it were not for religious opposition to the destruction of these early embryos, federal funding would be available for research in this area”. This is just one example of how scientific progress has been impeded by religion.

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